Sunday, March 1, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

I saw this on someone’s face book page and thought I would try it to see if I could come up with enough things about me. Fingers crossed

1. I like good food and I’m willing to travel far and pay a lot (and if that’s the only option, cook it) to get it.

2. I love to read. Everything but science fiction.

3. Coke and I have said our vows – till death do us part.

4. I like to spend money – will probably go round begging cap in hand, if I live till retirement.

5. I used to be so into politics - when I was 9, I went round my mum’s workplace campaigning for Shagari and stayed up all night for election results. Interesting that now that I’m old enough to vote, I’ve never even registered.

6. As I grow older, my tolerance level for lies diminishes. We all have those friends that tell lies all the time, and we simply discard what they say and move on. Now I find that I don’t want to be friends anymore.

7. I’m running a race against time, to visit everywhere in the world that interests me.

8. During the first half of my life I was very friendly and outgoing. Now I’m an introvert tending towards reclusion. I wonder why.

9. I can’t understand the American way of socializing - standing/walking around the room, drinking alcohol and talking. Give me a good meal (yes food again) anytime, and please, a chair to sit on even if there’s no food.

10. Choosing to come to MIT is the best decision I’ve made, ever. It’s an amazing experience.

11. If I got cancer, I wouldn’t go through chemotherapy.

12. I need a lot of ‘me’ time.

13. In University, I baked cakes to raise pocket money (with help from the amazing friends I had then, most of whom I still have today – thank God).

14. I miss my mum a lot more now than I did when I lost her 20 years ago – didn’t think it could get any worse.

15. I’m an internet junkie and don’t think it’s anything to be ashamed of.

16. Lance Armstrong is amazing. So is Barack Obama.

17. I’m a Grey’s Anatomy fan.

18. Friendship isn’t about talking or seeing each other all the time. It’s about being there for each other in times of need.

19. I hope I’ll figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life, before my life is over.

20. I’m nocturnal and don’t need a lot of sleep, unfortunately. I’m so envious of all those people that can sleep for 12 hours, straight.

21. I’d like to get a PhD, in-between the 200 other things I want to do.

22. Amazingly, I’m starting to like exercise. Maybe I will lose weight after all.

23. I hate being given unsolicited advice. If I want it, I’ll ask, thank you.

24. I try to see the ‘log in my eye’ before I see the speck in others. I wish everybody else would too.

25. This was a lot harder than I thought it would be but I got to the end ….Yay.