Wednesday, November 5, 2008

History is made

I think it is very fitting that my first post is the day after history was made - Barack Obama will be the 44th President of the United States of America, in sha Allah.

A month ago, I became convinced that he would win the election and I just wanted November 4th to come and go so that the formalities would be over, and Obama could get some sleep (I could almost track the progress of his grey hair, and wrinkles, over the past year). And so when CNN announced that he had won, I wasn't really surprised. I was very happy though, and celebrated his win for all of one hour, and then he came out to make his speech - a very sober speech. And I got very emotional. Suddenly the reality sunk in - the 47 year old Barack Obama would actually be the African American President of the United States. He is definitely not going to get the sleep I had been hoping he would.

I wonder how he feels. I felt yesterday that the reality of the situation had also hit him i.e. the amount of work he has ahead, and I wondered if he was thinking 'have I bitten off more than I can chew? Can I really do this?'. I also felt the absence of his mother and grandmother - I can totally understand how much he would have wanted them to be here to see him achieve this ultimate position. I was also raised single-handed by my mother and I lost her when I was still in college. Twenty years on, whenever something significant happens in my life - graduation, promotion etc she's always the first person, in fact the only person I want to tell. What wouldn't I give to be able to say to her 'Look what I have become, because of you'.

Obama winning the elections is God's will, that is why everything came right at the same time - a nation that was ready to embrace change, an amazing candidate and a phenomenal campaign (run by the most incredible managers). I remember watching him when he gave his speech at the Democratic Convention four years ago, and thinking he would go far. I had no idea how far and how soon.

I pray that the Almighty God protects and guides him as he carries out the very difficult duties that lie ahead, and I pray that in 2017, after he has served his 2 4-year terms, we will all look back at his long list of achievements and wish that we could elect him for a third term.